Awwww. I’m sorry Jenny. Our pets are our silent friends who nonetheless make our lives so much richer. I’ve enjoyed reading about Floppy through the years and would be sad without reading this lovely rumination. I love the shout out to our dear Paula, who has never been afraid to run towards these instances.

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Thank you for following Floppy's story over the years. And Paula is a champ. What would we do without her?

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Whenever we had to put one of our dogs down, I always thought, "We took him [or her] as far as we could." But my wife eventually corrected me – she told me that it was the dog who had taken us. As always, she was right. Thank you for the story of faithful Floppy, rabbit of note.

"All sorrows can be borne if you put them into a story or tell a story about them." (Isak Dineson)

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Thank you for this. It's really true--Floppy has taken our whole family far.

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A beautiful tribute to a furry friend. Hop on Floppy, hop on.

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This is really lovely, Jenny. So sorry for you and your family. Floppy has been loved, and how.

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Thank you, Christine. You know as a fellow writer, I have to write my way through these things! Thanks for reading.

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Such a beautiful story, Jenny. Now I love Floppy too. And feel sad at his getting old, and passing. May the thumps be with you.

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Aw, thanks! I will take all the thumps I can get.

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